Lets blame my lack of enthusiasm for SXSW on the weather. Unlike Austin City Limits Music Festival which is localized in one spot, SXSW is a creature with tentacles reaching over downtown and into South Austin. This means that attendants must brave the elements as they go from one venue to another. I don’t know if y’all have been watching the Weather Channel, but for the past week, the entire state of Texas has been unseasonably cold (in the forties!) and rainy, a combination that’s not conducive to waiting in lines, not even for the next hottest musical import from Norway.
Actually, rock stars and those aspiring to become one won’t hit the stages until the latter part of this week. The first half of the festival is films and interactive*. However, my weather person predicted sunshine throughout the duration of the festival so nothing should bar me from hanging with Norway’s finest musicians. Whether it’s for a film, a band, or for some guaranteed interaction, I’ll be waiting in line with Torchy’s tacos in one hand and a refreshing beverage in the other.**
*I’m not quite sure what “interactive” entails. I think Google has a booth or something.
** Ian Moore is the shiz...especially his newest shiz.
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